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In 2001, the Canadian Shorthorn Association introduced a voluntary Whole Herd Registration (WHR) option which is more often referred to as Whole Herd Enrollment. WHR allows Canadian Shorthorn members the ability to enroll their whole herd all at once at the beginning of the calendar year with a single fee paid for a full range of services. Effective January 1, 2018 WHR is the only option to enroll and register animals in Canada.


There are many benefits of the WHR program for both the member and the association:

  • member’s administration and payment process are streamlined with a once-a-year reporting and payment requirement which effectively covers all activities relating to those enrolled animals, eg; calf registrations, cow/bull/calf transfers, EPDs.

  • WHR provides a valuable early picture of the breed’s numbers and herd composition for purposes of financial and strategic planning by the Board of Directors on behalf of the CSA membership.



  1. The member completes their HERD ENROLLMENT each year by January 31st by utilizing the Digital Beef Enrollment application on-line or requesting paper forms for manual input. After January 31st, the cost for enrollment increases. 

  2. All shorthorn breeding animals must be enrolled in WHR in order for progeny to be registered.

  3. Herd enrollment animals include:

    • All FEMALES who will calve in the current enrollment year

    • All FEMALES who were enrolled in a previous year and are being held open during the current calendar year (note: open females who are skipped for a year are charged a penalty reactivation fee in the year they are re-enrolled and therefore it is cost-effective to enroll open females in a skipped year)

    • RECIPIENT FEMALES: if during the enrollment year there will be embryo transplant (ET) calves born, there are two ways to handle the future registration of ET calves:

      • if the recipient cow is a registered shorthorn she should be enrolled and her ET calf will be eligible to be treated in the same manner as natural calves.

      • if the recipient cow is not enrolled (eg; an unregistered crossbred) her ET calf will be subject to an enrollment fee at the time of calf registration

    • ALL BULLS who bred naturally (not AI bulls) and will sire calves born in the calendar year.

      • Bulls that have been used for natural service in two or more herds must be listed on at least one member’s herd enrollment.

      • Bulls can be skipped a year and reactivated without incurring a penalty fee.

    • ALL FEMALES and BULLS added to the herd during the year by purchase or transfer and will calve (female) or sire (bull) during the calendar year will be charged the early (January) enrollment fee providing they are added within 60 days of purchase/transfer or delivery date.

    • ALL FEMALES and BULLS must be appropriately registered with the CSA in the membership name on the enrollment.

  4. ALL BULLS (walking and AI) who will sire calves must have a DNA record on file with the CSA which verifies the bull’s sire and the DNA must be obtained from a recognized genotyping facility approved by the CSA.​

  • ALL BULLS (walking and AI) must have a TH (Tibial Hemifilial) defect test completed and on file with the CSA from a CSA approved lab; or if both sire and dam of the bull have been tested and are on file as  TH FREE, the Bull may be designated as “TH Free by Pedigree”



  • Calf registration within 12 months of birth (including twins)

  • Calf transfer within 2 years (female) and 30 months (male)

  • Transfer of enrolled male or female within the enrollment year

  • Recording of BW, WW, YW, carcass data, and ultrasound data




Determine which animals you need to enroll based on the following criteria:

  • Cows that will calve in the current calendar year or are 16 months of age or older

  • Bulls that bred naturally (not AI bulls) and will sire calves born in the calendar year.

Have the following information available on the cows and bulls you are enrolling (All of this information can be found on your certificate of registration):

  • Name

  • Date of Birth

  • Color (see Appendix B – Coat Colors)

  • Tattoo (if a registered shorthorn)

  • Name, tattoo & registration # of Dam  (if a registered shorthorn)

  • Name, tattoo & registration # of Sire (if a registered shorthorn)



All enrolled bulls must have a DNA on record which verifies the bull’s sire AND all enrolled bulls must have a TH (Tibial Hemimelia) genetic defect test done and on file, or both parents of the bull must have had TH tests performed and on file indicating they are negative for the defect and therefore, the bull is TH free by pedigree.


If the DNA and TH tests are required, please see Fees & Forms for instructions on how to complete these tests.



  • A reactivation fee of $70 applies to any previously enrolled female who is dropped from the herd inventory and then reactivated in a subsequent year and put back in; therefore, if a cow is a donor female or open for other reasons one year, it is advisable to enroll her for that year as a cost-saving measure.

  • Bulls that have been used for natural service in two or more herds must be activated on at least one herd inventory.

  • Bulls can be activated and reactivated without payment of the reactivation fee, but with the payment of the regular activation fee.

  • AI Sires will not need to be enrolled

  • If during the enrollment year you will have embryo transplant (ET) calves born, there are two ways to handle the future registration of ET calves born to recipient cows:

    • If the recipient cow is registered, she should be enrolled and her ET calf will be eligible for registration

    • If you do not enroll the recipient cow because she is an unregistered cross-bred, her ET calf will be subject to an enrollment fee at the time of registration 

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