Why choose Shorthorns? No other breed can so ideally combine maternal attributes, carcass traits and docility in a beef animal, making shorthorns the total package choice for a purebred breeder and a commercial cattleman looking for the best possible cross.
The maternal value of Shorthorn genetics has always been one of its strongest traits. The Shorthorn female, purebred or crossbred has long been sought after for her early maturity, fertility, milk production, mothering abilities and longevity and let’s not forget docility. New born Shorthorn and Shorthorn influenced calves are robust and quick to get up nursing their dam – a testament to the dam’s exceptional mothering abilities and milk. Take your pick of the traits you require and shorthorn genetics can adapt to and improve your situation.
In the area of performance the breed takes a back seat to no other breed in the overall picture. Feedlot operators quickly determine that Shorthorn influence feeders excel in the areas of feed conversion and cost per pound of gain. This quality translates into less feed to establish and maintain body condition in both sparse, dry conditions and severely cold winters. Carcass traits in the past have been an area where the exotic breeds have excelled. However, with the return to focus on moderate carcass size with consistent superior marbling, the balanced carcass traits of the Shorthorn breed have increased in demand.
Shorthorn bulls and females are known for their quiet dispositions which favours ease of movement by handlers out on pasture, during calving and around equipment. Genetic studies have shown that docility in cattle is directly related to marbling which is a Shorthorn carcass feature.
The Shorthorn’s quiet nature, ease of handling on the halter as well as hair coat and eye catching color, are ideal for developing grooming / fitting techniques and showmanship skills, making them the perfect breed for aspiring junior breeders and showmen.